Shopping From Paris

New Personal Shopper service in Paris

Are you looking for something you can buy only in Paris but you cannot come here to shop for it? Just contact me: I will buy it on your behalf and have it shipped to you.

Since travelling to Paris still is quite complicated and many of my clients cannot join me in a real shopping tour I decided to offer to all my clients the opportunity to continue their shopping in Paris, even in boutiques and stores that do not provide international shipping.

If you are afraid that the special edition you like so much will be sold out when you finally arrive here,

If there is something you like online but you need a closer view

If your favorite store is not selling online but you would like to see what is in store and maybe  buy a little something

Just contact me! I will go to the store and video call you or send you all the pictures/information you need!

For more info about our shopping service: